Why You Need a Lawyer for Your Lawsuit: A Comprehensive Guide Lawsuits are a common part of business today, and many companies face legal challenges. Knowing your options helps you handle lawsuits more effectively. Having a lawyer provides important protection and...
Do You Want a Lawsuit With That Tune-Up?
Businesses, such as retailers or service providers, often wish to use another company’s protected name, trademark, or logo in association with the marketing of their own business. The marketer believes this is proper since it sells, repairs, or offers services...
Is Your Business Too Small to be a Victim of Identity Theft?
It’s not just the big boys who make tempting targets for cybercriminals. News reports show a rising trend of cybertheft not confined to large corporations. Rather, smaller businesses appear to be attractive targets of business identity theft because they tend not to...
Things to Consider Before Purchasing a Franchise
You should consider the following issues before committing to any purchase: Are you willing to work within the limits and operating structure of the franchise system? Is the product or service to be offered something which you enjoy dealing with? Have you evaluated...
Electronic Data Discovery Impacts Small Businesses Threatened With Litigation
Business data was recorded on paper and filed in manila folders within a cabinet. Not anymore! Most businesses have used the computer age to go “paperless.” Without realizing it, many companies have electronic data stored throughout their offices. The prominent...
Be Careful When Relying Upon a Franchisor’s Financial Performance Claims
Prospective franchisees have often been incorrectly told that federal law prohibits a franchisor from disclosing financial performance information to the prospect before becoming a franchise system member. The revised Federal Trade Commission Franchise Rule now...
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